It’s a New Year – Is Your Estate Plan Outdated?

As you transition into the New Year, take a moment to consider whether the plans you put in place for when you pass away will accomplish what is best for you and your family.


  • Does your estate plan meet the needs of your current family situation?
  • Do the beneficiary designations you made for your retirement and investment accounts match your and your family’s current needs?
  • Do those beneficiary designations work in concert with your estate plan, or do they actually contradict or undermine it?
  • Have you given a Power of Attorney to a spouse or some other trusted person to act for you when you cannot?
  • Have you put Health Directives in place to ensure that someone can make health-related decisions for you when you are incapacitated?
  • Have you planned for what will happen with your business if you are temporarily unable to manage it, or for when you die?
  • Do you have any plan in place at all?

Our attorneys can help you develop your estate plan if you do not have one in place already, and can help you update your existing plan to accommodate for your and your family’s changing needs over time. Please call us at 513-229-8080 to schedule an appointment to discuss that.